Diao Chan
Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Diao Chan Specialities
Diao Chan Skills

Graceful Steps
Reduces your troop's damage taken and increases your troop's movement speed for 9s. Grants 100 initial rage upon entering battle.

Unit Charge
Increases the gathering speed for all resources. Partial resources gathered in a natural day will be more.

Rapid Gathering
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 8.20%.

Recovers your troop's units every 9s (recovery rate: 65.65%, armor bonus).

Efficient Harvest
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 14.35%.

Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 15.38%. Obtains 2.05% extra resources upon successful gathering.

Peaceful Haven
After the hero recovers units, reduces your troop's damage taken by 4.04% for 3s.

Supplies Transportation
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 15.38%. Increases your troop's load by 7.69%.
Diao Chan Tier List Ranking
Legendary hero that excels in Tactician role with Support abilities. Best used to command Cavalry and Archer units.