Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Leon Specialities
Leon Skills

Concentrated Fire
Deals damage to 3 enemy troops in a large area in front (damage rate: 116.22%, strategy bonus). Grants 150 initial rage upon entering battle.

Hearth of Victory
Every time your troop activates a commander skill, increases your commander's might damage by 7.45% (strategy bonus) and strategy damage by 7.45% 7.90% (strategy bonus) for 12s.

Prudent Handling
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 10.25%. Obtains 3.07% extra resources upon successful gathering.

Rapid Gathering
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 8.20%.

Rest and Recover
Recovers your troop's units (recovery rate: 36.75%, strategy bonus).

Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 40.14%, strategy bonus) and reduces the enemy commander's might or strategy by 7.45 (strategy bonus) for 6s.

Blaze Impact
Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 49.17%, strategy bonus) and inflicts the burn effect, dealing strategy damage every second (damage rate: 8.92%,strategy bonus) for 3s.

For the first 18s after entering battle, increases all your heroes' might, armor, and strategy by 3.35 and increases your troop's rage by 0.78 per second.
Leon Tier List Ranking
Epic hero that excels in Marshal role with Support abilities. Best used to command Archer units.