Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Narses Specialities
Narses Skills

Deals might damage to an enemy troop twice continuously (damage rate: 62.58%, might bonus).

Relentless Pursuit
After launching a normal attack, launches another might attack on the enemy troop (damage rate: 62.58%, might bonus).

Armor Piercer
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and reduces all enemy heroes' armor by 14.90 for 3s.

Double Strike
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 37.98%, might bonus).

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and increases the hero's might by 14.90 for 3s.

Pacifying Strike
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 46.19%, might bonus) and reduces their rage by 6.69.

Rapid Gathering
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 8.20%.

Fast Retreat
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 10.25%. If a battle breaks out when gathering, converts 3.07% lost units into lightly wounded at the end of the battle and increases retreat speed by 17.94%.
Narses Tier List Ranking
Epic hero that excels in Warrior role with Attack abilities. Best used to command Cavalry units.