Ram Khamhaeng
Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Ram Khamhaeng Specialities
Ram Khamhaeng Skills

Valor of Rama
Makes up to 3 of your allied troops nearby enter the relaxation state and increases their damage by 4.17% 6.44% for 6s (might bonus). When the relaxation state ends, recovers their units by 7.45% 11.50% of the damage taken during this period.

Splendor of Sukhothai
Every 6s, reduces your troop's damage taken by 2.98% 3.16% (might bonus) for 3s. And increases the highest attributes of all players' commanders within the area of 1,500 by 4, up to 6 stacks, for 3m. (This effect can be triggered only when fighting against another player and when the units deployed are more than 80% of the unit capacity.)

Recovers your troop's units every 9s (recovery rate: 65.65%, armor bonus).

Prayer For Harvest
Recovers your troop's units (recovery rate: 43.49%, strategy bonus).

After the the hero recovers units, increases all your heroes' armor by 24.53 for 3s (triggers every 6s).

Peaceful Haven
After the hero recovers units, reduces your troop's damage taken by 4.04% for 3s.

Deals might damage every 9s (damage rate: 70.03%, might bonus) and reduces the armor of the enemy hero with the highest armor by 15.15 (might bonus) for 3s.

War Elephant
Deals might damage to the enemy troop every 9s (damage rate: 60.60%, might bonus), with a 50% chance to reduce your troop's damage taken from the next enemy skill by 4.04% (might bonus).
Ram Khamhaeng Tier List Ranking
Legendary hero that excels in Marshal role with Buff abilities. Best used to command Pikemen units.