Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Thanius Specialities
Thanius Skills

Undefeated Array
Recovers units (recovery rate: 125.16% 193.20%, might bonus) and increases your troop's might damage by 7.45% (might bonus) for 6s.

Deals might damage to the enemy troop every 12s (damage rate: 62.58%, might bonus) and reduces a random enemy hero's might by 8.94 9.48 for 6s.

Rapid Gathering
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 8.20%.

Mighty Strike
Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 50.74%, might bonus).

War Drums
Every 9s, increases all your heroes' armor by and strategy by 6.69 for 3s.

Change of Formation
Deals might damage every 12s (damage rate: 35.68%, might bonus) and increases the damage of the commander's next strike of turn-based skill by 8.94%.

Formation Attack
Deals might damage every 12s (damage rate: 47.94%, might bonus).

Load Boost
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 10.25%. Increases your troop's load by 6.15%.
Thanius Tier List Ranking
Epic hero that excels in Marshal role with Attack abilities. Best used to command Pikemen units.