Yuan Xia
Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Yuan Xia Specialities
Yuan Xia Skills

Deals strategy damage to 2 enemy troops in the fan area in front (damage rate: 92.38% 142.60% , strategy bonus). Grants 100 initial rage upon entering battle

Enters charging state. After 3s, inflicts the burn state on the target, dealing strategy damage each second (damage rate: 7.45% 7.90%, strategy bonus) for 6s. Meanwhile, increases your commander's strategy damage by 2.98% 3.16% (strategy bonus) for 3s.

Focused Mind
When the hero's signature active skill enters charging state, there is a/an 14.50% chance for your troop to obtain control immunity (immune to control effects) for 3s.

When the commander activates the charging skill, there is a 16.72% chance to skip the charging state.

Rapid Gathering
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 8.20%.

Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 40.14%, strategy bonus) and reduces the enemy commander's might or strategy by 7.45 (strategy bonus) for 6s.

Surprise Attack
Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 30.62%, strategy bonus).

Load Boost
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 10.25%. Increases your troop's load by 6.15%.
Yuan Xia Tier List Ranking
Epic hero that excels in Tactician role with Buff abilities. Best used to command Archer units.