Darius the Great
Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Darius the Great Specialities
Darius the Great Best Troop Pairings

Darius the Great Skills

Ironclade Blitz
Deals 7 instances of might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 58.40% 65.60% , might bonus).

Increases the hero"s all attributes by 9.20. When dealing damage, there is a/an 30.00% chance to ignore 20.70% of the enemy's defense.

Roar of Victory
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 107.28%, might bonus) and increases your troop's rage by 7.17.

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 53.64%, might bonus) and inflicts the rout effect, dealing might damage every second (damage rate: 7.81%, might bonus) for 3s.

Weak Spot Attack
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 74.74%, might bonus) and increases the hero's damage by 6.06% (might bonus) for 3s.

Efficient Harvest
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 14.35%.

Spirited Pursuit
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 86.86%, might bonus).

Supplies Transportation
Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 15.38%. Increases your troop's load by 7.69%.
Darius the Great Tier List Ranking
Legendary hero that excels in Warrior role with Piercing abilities. Best used to command Pikemen and Cavalry units.