Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Hannibal Specialities
Hannibal Best Troop Pairings

Hannibal Skills

Surprise Victory
Deals might damage (damage rate: 119.20%, might bonus) and strategy damage (damage rate: 119.20% strategy bonus) to the current target, and increases the hero's might, armor, and strategy by the amount the target commander's attributes reduced respectively for 6s.

After launching a normal attack, deals 1 instance of might damage (damage rate: 89.40%, might bonus) and strategy damage (damage rate: 89.40%, strategy bonus) to enemy troops and reduces the enemy commander's armor by 10.43 (strategy bonus) and strategy by 10.43 (might bonus) for 3s.

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and increases the hero's might by 14.90 for 3s.

Tactical Pursuit
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage (damage rate: 36.36%, might bonus) and strategy damage (damage rate: 36.36%, strategy bonus) to the enemy troop.

Weak Spot Attack
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 74.74%, might bonus) and increases the hero's damage by 6.06% (might bonus) for 3s.

Double Attack
Enters the double attack state and increases the hero's might, strategy, and armor by 4.04 for 3s.

Crushing Impact
After launching a normal attack, deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 53.53%, strategy bonus) and reduces the enemy commander's might by 16.16 (strategy bonus) for 6s (This effect can't be stacked).

Sowing Discord
After launching a normal attack, deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 41.26%, strategy bonus) and steals 6.69 strategy from the enemy commander to your commander for 3s.
Hannibal Tier List Ranking
Legendary hero that excels in Warrior role with Attack abilities. Best used to command Cavalry units.