Sun Tzu
Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Sun Tzu Specialities
Sun Tzu Best Troop Pairings
Sun Tzu Skills

Strategy Cuts Deeper
Deals strategy damage to the target (damage rate: 113.24%, strategy bonus) and enters the Ultimate Strategist state for 6s. Grants 100 initial rage upon entering battle.

The Way of War
Enters charging state. After 3s, deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 59.60%, strategy bonus). Afterward, enters the Ultimate Strategist state for 6s. If already in the Ultimate Strategist state when the skill is activated, deals extra strategy damage (damage rate: 65.56%, strategy bonus) and refreshes the Ultimate Strategist state's duration.

Boulder Trap
Enters charging state. After 3s, deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 76.93%, strategy bonus).

Deals 1 instance of strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 45.72%, strategy bonus).

High Spirit
Increases the activation chance of the hero's active skills by 3.64% (increases by 4.55% for charging skills).

Strategy Master's Gift
Increases the hero's strategy damage by 8.94% and the activation chance of signature active skills by 3.03%.

Ultimate Strategy
Deals 1 instance of strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 70.70%, strategy bonus).

Flash of Inspiration
When the hero's signature active skill enters charging state, there is a/an 17.17% chance to skip the charging. If failed to skip the charging, increases the skill's activation chance by 4.04% for 6s.
Sun Tzu Tier List Ranking
Legendary hero that excels in Tactician role with Attack abilities. Best used to command Swordsmen units.