Age of Empires Mobile Hero

Yodit Specialities
Yodit Best Troop Pairings

Yodit Skills

Wrath Forged Blade
Deals 3 instances of damage to up to 3 enemy troops within the fan-shaped area in front (damage rate: 32.78%, might bonus). When there are 4 stacks pf Deterrence, consumes these 4 stacks and changes to 5 instances of damage (damage rate: 32.78% might 100 initial rage 50.60%, upon entering battle.

Shadow of Terror
Deals might damage once to the target (damage rate: 80.46% 85.32%, might bonus) and adds 1 stack of Deterrence, with each stack of Deterrence increases the hero's might by 8.94 9.48, up to 4 stacks. Also, there is a/an 2.98% 3.16% chance to enter the damage immunity state for Is, during which all damage is ignored.

Furious Charge
Every time the hero activates their signature skill (except for passive skills), increases the hero's might damage by 3.94%. Up to 5 stacks.

Crashing Boulder
Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 45.72%, might bonus).

Shield Slam
Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 47.94%, might bonus, armor bonus).

Peerless Strike
Deals high might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 70.70%, might bonus).

Increases the hero's signature active skill activation chance by 3.03%. Every time the hero activates a signature active skill, there is a/an 10.10% chance to increase the skill damage by 16.16%.

Battle Roar
Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 89.40%, might bonus) and increases the hero’s damage by 2.98% (might bonus) for 6s.
Yodit Tier List Ranking
Legendary hero that excels in Warrior role with Attack abilities. Best used to command Swordsmen units.